
Euro Aparthotel

  Rynek 14      (+48) 14 626 05 64     more than a year ago

An excellent choice and solid value, particularly if you can snag one of the rooms overlooking the market square. Where they get all these oil paintings from is beyond comprehension, but there's a barrage of them on the ground floor and you'll find some in your quarters as well. Suites are stylised quite tastefully to represent the Renaissance history of the building, with large beds in handsome frames, wooden floors and modern facilities including satellite television and wifi. It's an unbeatable location, the downstairs restaurant is more reliable than many in the area, the bar stays open 24-hours, and there's even bike rental and a billiards room to keep you busy. Breakfasts are good value and tasty. 


Credit Cards
Facilities for disabled
Outside seating
Guarded parking
City centre location
Dogs Allowed
Conference facilities


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