
Red Palace (Palazzo Rosso)

  Via Garibaldi 18      (+39) 010 557 49 72     more than a year ago
Built in the 17th century for Anton Giulio Brignole Sale it is now home to Genoa’s finest permanent art collection. Works by Tintoretto, Veronese, Dürer, David, Van Dyck and Guercino are displayed along with celebrated local artists like Bernardo Strozzi. Look out for Guido Reni’s Saint Sebastian and Guercino's The Death of Cleopatra. Whilst paintings housed on the first floor houses hang in a rather subdued context the second floor opens up to lavishly decorated baroque apartments giving a glimpse of how they its inhabitants used to live. Gold mirrors, painted ceilings, elaborate tapestries, furniture, sculpture and ceramics make up part of this impressive collection. Go right up to the top for great roof-top views of the whole city. Although there are lots of steps a lift is available so ask the guides if you need to use it. If you’d like detailed info about the paintings it might be a good idea to hire an audio guide for €4.00 which is available in English from the ticket office just opposite the gallery. Ticket price includes entry into Palazzo Rosso, Palazzo Bianco and the city hall, Palazzo Doria Tursi. There is a bar/restaurant, ‘M café’, on the ground floor open for lunch, brunch and aperitifs.


Facilities for disabled



Open 9:00 - 19:00, Sat 10:00 - 19:00, Sun 10:00 -19:00. Closed Mon.
Closed Mondays and public holidays.

Price/Additional Info

Combined ticket for Palazzo Rosso, Palazzo Bianco and Palazzo Doria Tursi € 9.00, 65+/ disabled € 7.00, -18 citizens free.


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