
Saint Andrew's Cloister (Chiostro di S. Andrea)

  Piazza Dante      (+39) 010 251 67 14     more than a year ago
The cloister is all that was saved when the 12th century monastery of S. Andrea was knocked down in 1904 to make way for an urban development project. Its delicate gothic pillars were cleverly moved from their original position and placed in the heart of Piazza Dante, one of the city’s most traffic filled thoroughfares right next to the Porta Soparana. But, in a surprising oasis of peace, it lies almost hidden by olive trees as Genoa moves on around it. Take a moment to stop and look at it: the capitals and the carvings are lovely and it’s a great place to sit and eat your focaccia on a sunny day! You're free to wander around it 24/7 and there's no entrance fee.


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