Český Krumlov

St. Vitus Church

more than a year ago
After you’ve taken in the castle which dominates the town, you’ll probably notice the thin spire of St. Vitus Church. Built on the same ground as a 14th century church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, it wasn’t completed until nearly 40 years had passed, saving it from potential destruction during the Hussite wars. All that remains from this church is the mosaic above the door. The neo-Gothic spire wasn’t added until the 19th century replacing the original Baroque dome. Inside, the altar (1863) is typically Baroque and depicts St. Vitus and the Virgin Mary and is adorned with the Eggenberg and Schwarzenberg coat of arms. The side chapels were added in the 19th century. The Gothic organ dating to the 1500s is currently under repair and there is a small Baroque replacement. In addition to religious services, the church is used for New Year and summer concerts. There is no entrance fee, but the clergy urge you to refrain from visiting during services. The small building next door with Renaissance and almost Moorish elements was a parish school from the 14th century and has been a music school since 1780... the musical tradition in Český Krumlov is a long one and continues to this day.


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