
Nord/LB Building

  Friedrichswall 10     more than a year ago
Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner's futuristic 40,000m2 headquarters for the German bank Nord/LB has only recently been completed and is still baffling the neighbours. Essentially lots of glass and steel boxes stacked on top of each other, the building was designed to house the company's 1,500 Hanover staff in a comfortable and eco-friendly environment, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and optimising the use of natural daylight. Highlights include a staff restaurant with a roof in the shape of butterfly wings and a 20m tower made from material that changes colour according to the position of the sun. The architect's goal was in their own words to create a transition zone between the 19th century residential area to the south and the historical area directly to the north. How a modern structure like this can achieve such a lofty goal is impossible to say, but the building is certainly eye-catching and a welcome addition to the city's skyline.


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