We don't profess to be experts on sushi, but we're fairly certain this isn't the best you'll find. The simple white interior resembles a hotel lobby and has about the same amount of atmosphere, anchored by ambient music, a fountain, some lousy murals and a long stooled bar: don't expect to see sushi being prepared behind it, but the recent addition of a liquer license has gratefully put the barman to work. Asked if our sushi could arrive before our appetiser (hmm), when it was brought to the table our waitress then inexplicably asked if we'd like some kind of massage. In the moment's uncertainty, we declined and now have to live with that regret (don't make our mistake, it may be the best part of your evening).
Narada is also open for breakfast, presenting some interesting takes on what to eat in the morning, including udon soup or fish and veggies on rice. Green tea ice cream for dessert?
Narada is also open for breakfast, presenting some interesting takes on what to eat in the morning, including udon soup or fish and veggies on rice. Green tea ice cream for dessert?