Early Bird Gets the Worm
Simply put, Gibraltar was one of the first countries to open up their doors to the world of online casinos. Today, there are a number of locations that have followed suit but as the saying goes, the early bird gets the worm, and Gibraltar has firmly established itself as the go to location for online casinos.Speaking generally, online casinos are incredibly popular on a global scale with more and more players looking to sign up everyday. If you are one of them, you can play here at Griffon Casino to find out why they are so popular for yourself. The fact that they are so popular also helps explain why the casinos themselves are looking for any way to gain an advantage over their competitors. This further fuels the interest to be based in Gibraltar, as it does just that.
The simple fact that Gibraltar opened their doors to the world of online casinos early does not fully answer the overall question, and you will likely now be asking yourself what opening their doors actually means. Well, let’s take a look...

Legality & Licensing
The government in Gibraltar has done everything it can to make life as easy as possible for online casinos to set up their business. Naturally, if you want to open an online casino, the first thing you need to do is obtain an official gaming licence. The Gibraltar Gambling Act 2005 does just this, providing the licensing and regulation for both land-based and remote gambling.Tax System
Furthermore, the tax system in Gibraltar makes it the ideal place for an online casino to be based. In fact, it is accurate to say that tax is the primary reason why Gibraltar has attracted so many online casinos. The online casino industry is incredibly competitive, and in order to gain an edge over your competitors, you need to ensure that you are getting the word out about your business.Of course, one of the main ways to do this is through advertising, with many of the biggest online casinos spending millions of dollars a month on promotion. When you consider that they don’t have to pay VAT on this when based in Gibraltar, you soon get the picture in terms of why they are there. Moreover, corporation tax is a lot lower than if you were to be based in the United Kingdom.
The Bottom Line
The fact that Gibraltar has firmly established itself as the go to location for online casinos is of course a huge part of why so many set up their business there. When a potential new online casino then looks into the benefits of being based there, it is hard to find a better alternative when taking the licensing options and tax system into account.Moreover, the fact that it is a beautiful location helps attract a pool of talent that are more than willing to relocate there. It appears timing, the government’s encouragement and location have all combined to turn Gibraltar into the gambling hub that it is today.