College travel programs can solve both of these issues. It takes more maturity, planning, and discipline to move to a different part of the country (or the world) and manage your resources, time, and social life. In addition, if nature is a must, there are learning opportunities that will bring you closer to the outdoors. Nature can have a very therapeutic and highly documented antidepressant effect. Overall, you grow up quicker when you have to live away from home, so here’s a list of universities with student travel programs that also offer the opportunity to visit nature.

University of Colorado Boulder
If nothing else, Colorado is known for its outstanding natural landscapes, and the opportunity to pursue many fun outdoor activities. Located in Boulder, this location can be a nice change of scenery, especially if you did not grow up somewhere where mountains dominate the landscape. There are opportunities for skiing, rock climbing, biking, and trail hiking.Even the city is framed by very beautiful mountains, so you get to look at nature even while being amid urban sprawls. The city center has a very relaxed atmosphere, perfect for spending weekday evenings on a lower budget.
UC Boulder’s college programs also seem to be environment and nature-focused, with some of the most dedicated and passionate environmental scholars attending their classes. They focus on sustainability, environmental protection, and all manner of sciences, oriented toward the protection of the environment. What many students say is that they can’t wait for the weekend to come, so they can hike, backpack, and have a picnic in nature, to recharge their batteries.
University of Utah
Salt Lake City and Utah in general, are also famous for being outposts of civilization, buried in some of nature’s most beautiful environments. They’re also known for offering great travel opportunities for students. If you grew up in a more arid or heavily urbanized environment, the University of Utah can offer a good contrast to what you’re used to. It has one of the nation’s best college travel programs.In their free time, students can explore many nature-related activities, especially in the winter. It is possible to go cross-country skiing, sea Kayaking, regular Kayaking, mountain biking, white water rafting, snowboarding, and so on. Almost every type of mountain-related activity is found here. Also, this would not be a niche spot. The outdoor equipment rental business is one of the largest in the country, as countless tourists and locals rent everything from skis to boats, bows, and kayaks.
You can pursue these pastimes either by yourself or join one of the programs from the University itself. There are initiatives like the Intermountain Student Outdoor Leadership Symposium which regularly facilitate the organization of trips for outdoor activities.

Lewis and Clark College
With a name like Lewis and Clark College, what do you expect? For those who are not aware, Lewis and Clark were some legendary frontiersmen who are a part of American history and folklore. Located near Portland Oregon, this institution tries to promote academic excellence and an outdoorsman spirit.People who attended this college, and their impression was that the experience formed and changed their life. They even would hire an essay writing service for college and pay them to write most tedious and non-important papers, just so they could escape stress and go camping for a few days. It kept him sane and grounded, as he used nature as his therapy. For this reason, Lewis and Clark College is one of the best student travel programs.
The campus stretches for 137 acres, and most of the land seems natural and barely tamed. You will be able to enjoy all sorts of activities related to mountains, rivers, and coastlines. Many students take courses to learn professional rock climbing.
If there’s ever a place to pick up hiking and climbing, this is it! Of course, you can go ad-hoc by yourself and explore, or you can, or you can take advantage of organized activities such as the Lewis and Clark Outdoors program.
University of Alaska
When thinking of travel programs for college students, you would not think of choosing to go to Alaska. After all, Fairbanks is only a stone’s throw away from the Arctic Circle. Even within the category of nature lovers, there are two categories of people. Some enjoy nature as a garden. They want a more-or-less safeguarded area, where human activity has created trails, paths, and tourist-friendly experiences.However, some wish to see nature at its rawest and most primal. Sure, Colorado and Utah and nice and beautiful, but if you want the authenticity of mostly untamed wilderness, you will go to Alaska. People in Fairbanks have so much dynamism and movement in their life. In general, life there seems to be organized around the weather. While in the winter people take up skiing, ice fishing, and winter camping, the summers give way to biking, white-water rafting, and so on.
If there was a pill that gave you the same benefits as walking through nature, that pill would cost a million dollars. It is proven without a doubt that being in nature has a healing effect on your mind and soul. Also, you get plenty of exercise while hiking, swimming, and even camping.As a student, your entire world revolves around your mental abilities. However, you should never fall into the trap of neglecting your body and psychological health. You don’t have to necessarily go to the Universities mentioned in this article. Yet, it is highly recommended that you select a similar student travel program, one that offers an opportunity to visit and enjoy nature.