
Bolesław Biegas: When Art Meets Politics

Nov 1 - Jan 7 2019       ul. Tadeusza Dobrowolskiego 1
Controversial, existential, and sometimes reaching into scandalous territory, Biegas was a Polish surrealist and symbolist painter and sculptor who spent much of his life in Paris. The exhibit compiles many of the artist's works, some from his Vampires deguerre (vampires of war) series, which came out of the era of WWI but were as much a comment on the war between the sexes as they were about what the time in which they surfaced would first suggest. Other works making up the majority of this exhibit are from his Politicians series, which consists of exactly what you might think: portraits of various political figures. What gives these portraits their allure and mystery, however, is the way in which the artist approached his subjects: with people like Mussolini and Hitler painted and presented alongside the likes of Churchill, Roosevelt, Gandhi and Piłsudski—all thoughtfully posed in curious and telling ways. This series presents an ideal opportunity to explore art in relation to greater concepts, such as politics, ideology, morality—like the players on either side of dichotomies like good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, winners vs. losers.



Open 10:00-20:00. Closed Mon. Nov 1 2018 - Jan 7 2019
Silesian Museum
ul. Tadeusza Dobrowolskiego 1

Price/Additional Info

Admission 24/16zł. Family & group tickets available. Tue free.


www.muzeumslaskie.pl www.facebook.com/muzeumslaskie
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