As we went to press we had yet to receive the full schedule of Independence Day events, but we will tyr to fill you in as best we can as to where to catch the holiday’s festive mood.
Artists from all over country come to Kyiv with their arts and crafts. Khreschatyk, Maidan Nezalezhnosti and European Square are all doted with different size stages and performances, with great places to eat and drink. The mighty Dnipro will once again be a hive of activity with a regatta, shashlyk parties and a swimming contest. Nightfall will see the most impressive fireworks of the year, usually beginning around 22:00, and followed by plenty more drinking.

To give you an idea of what Independence Day on the streets of Kyiv is like, imagine a cross between a huge outdoor rock concert and civil unrest. If that sounds too wild for you, you can always retreat to one of kyiv’s many nightclubs, which are relatively tranquil compared to the mayhem going on outside. Note however that restaurants, bars and cafes often close very early to allow employees the night off, so it’s not a bad idea to check beforehand if you are planning a late meal.
Details as to what revellers can expect this year are a little sketchy at present but those with a taste for beer can’t go far wrong with the traditional concert on Maidan always proving to be a lively affair. And don’t forget about the traditional flower exibition in the Dnipro hills which will be organised for the seventh time this year.
Above all, wear your most comfortable walking shoes, dress appropriately for the weather, and whatever you do on Independence Day it is likely to provide the best of your Kyiv memories.