
Cheap tickets for Swiss trains - SBB Supersaver Tickets

more than a year ago
Like most things, train tickets are rather expensive in Switzerland. But if you know when and where you want to go beforehand, you can save up to 70% on your journey with so-called Supersaver Tickets. The easiest way to buy the supersaver tickets is to use this link, the supersaver offers are included here. Or install the SBB Mobile app on your smartphone. An English language version is available. Check the connections for your route on your travel day with the timetable function. If supersaver tickets are available for a certain connection, a % sign is displayed on a black background on the left. Click on the connection, then on the button “Tickets from CHF xxx” at the bottom. On the next screen you’ll see the standard price and the supersaver ticket price for this connection. Purchase the supersaver ticket. You’ll need to set up an account, but all you need is a credit card and an email address. Note that supersaver tickets are only valid on the chosen connection (standard train tickets are valid on any connection on one calendar day in Switzerland). Also note that these ticket prices are set by an algorithm and can change any time. Alternatively, you can buy the supersaver tickets and set up your account at Supersaver tickets are not available at ticket counters or ticket machines.




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