
Filou & Bengel

  Morgartenstrasse 7      (+41) 41 210 00 01     more than a year ago

This is a small bar and cafe by the park in the new town. Described on the website as a place where you'll get "big, fat and happy". Judging by the hip crowd who hang out here, this is not necessarily the case. In the evenings, the lights are dimmed for a cosy atmosphere, ideal for conversation and a good place to start a night out. By day treat yourself to a cupcake or a warm vegetable muffin and fine cup of Italian coffee or a warm ovi (Ovaltine malt drink, originally from Switzerland).


Credit Cards

Bus stop



Open 11:30 - 00:30, Mon, Tue, Wed, Sun 11:30 - 18:00.
May - September closed Sun.


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