

11 Jun 2024
Uragan is the name of the big old ship that looms at Molo Longo, the long breakwater that runs parallel to Rijeka's famous Riva. She started life in 19th century Hamburg, where she worked as a cleaner in the harbour until she was conscripted by the German army. Granted to the Yugoslav army as part of war reparations, she then undertook technical duties along the Adriatic coast, including the development of the Port of Rijeka, as well as 'acting' in films including “Around the World in 80 Days” and “The Winds of War”. After a long and active life, she sank in Rijeka harbour in 1999 due to a worn-out hull. A team of enthusiasts sponsored by the Port of Rijeka Authority oversaw Uragan’s repair in 2005, and she was given a permanent berth here in Molo Longo in 2014.  


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