
Gospoda pod Zygmuntem

  ul. Świętojańska 15 ,   Old Town          (+48) 22 428 39 43     31 Jul 2024
Located directly between the Royal Castle and the Old Town Square, this veteran Polish restaurant is as simple and traditional as it gets.

A good option for tourists, families with kids and anyone looking for their first introduction to Polish cuisine, the modestly-priced, bilingual menu includes photos of almost every dish. There is a lot to choose from, ranging from classics like pierogi (15 different types), potato pancakes with goulash and mushroom soup served in a bread bowl, to old school staples that have dropped off most modern menus like tripe soup and chicken livers with fried onions and baked apples. With a tidy, colourful interior and fast service, the experience is easy, accessible and satisfying, if not revelatory. Exactly what a lot of people are looking for, Gospoda pod Zygmuntem plays its role well. Also at ul.Nowy Świat 41
Gospoda pod Zygmuntem


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Outside seating
Dogs Allowed


Ratusz Arsenał


Open 11:00-22:00. Fri, Sat 11:00-23:00.

Price/Additional Info

€ € € € €


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