
Dublin Bus

Dublin Bus serves Dublin city and county, and adjoining areas. Bus routes in Dublin are not known by their destinations but by the number on the front of the bus. As it's such an extensive service, check the website's timetable for your local bus routes and times. Buses don't stop automatically, so put your hand out when you see yours coming. Bus drivers don't handle cash, so either buy a prepaid ticket or have exact change ready. The on-board machine only accepts coins and no change is given. If you don’t have the correct change, your ticket should include the extra amount paid. Bring it to the O’Connell St. office if you want a refund. Prepaid tickets can be bought in advance, and in bulk, as singles, daily, weekly, monthly or annual tickets from Dublin Bus offices or ticket agents across the city. The Airlink shuttle bus runs between the Airport and the city centre, also stopping at Heuston, Connolly and Busaras Stations. Nitelink is a late night bus service serving most of Greater Dublin. Routes run Fr & Sat and depart from College, Westmoreland and D'Olier Streets and usually include three city pick up points. No service will run Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. Fares are €5 - much cheaper than a taxi. Get times for the next three buses in each direction texted to your mobile with Bustxt by texting BUS followed by your route number eg BUS 45 to 53503. For Nitelink times add n after your route number. Although the main Dublin Bus office on O’Connell St is closed Sun & Public Holidays there is a reduced service that runs on these days so don’t fret... you won’t be left behind.


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Open 9:00 - 17:30, Mon 08:30 - 17:30, Sat 09:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun.


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