Yes, that’s a Burberry store you see in Poznań. And Armani. Even Versace.

You can wander through the vast, award-winning Stary Browar mall or the new Avenida Poznań spending złoty until you’ve solved the European debt crisis, but if you’re bringing gifts back to show your loved ones what a trip to Poznań is like, a Burberry bag made in London won’t cut it. That’s why throughout this section we’ve made an effort to list establishments selling gifts that actually say, “I went to Poland.”
Poland's Sunday Shopping Ban
Shops have traditionally had more limited hours on weekends, but since 2018 government regulations have increasingly restricted Sunday trading in Poland in hopes of encouraging citizens to return to a more ‘traditional’ family Sunday. Although phased in gradually, there are now only 7 Sundays in the entire year when shops are allowed to be open. Of course, there are some exemptions from the ban - namely pharmacies, gas stations, kiosks, bakeries, open-air markets, Żabka convenience stores (most of which close at 23:00), souvenir shops (oh thank god), package pick-up points, and any establishment where the owners themselves are behind the counter on Sunday.
Note that the Sunday hours we list for venues are the hours they keep only on those Sundays when trade is allowed.
2024 Shopping Sundays: Jan 28 | March 24 | June 30 | Aug 25 | Dec 15, 22