
Olimpia Bazaar

  ul. Górczewska 56/60 (Wola) ,   Wola          (+48) 22 836 62 82     26 Jul 2024
Located in Moczydło Park, this massive outdoor market is a holdover of how goods were bought in the chaotic times immediately after the PRL years. A food market (produce, dairy, meat products) takes place every day, but on Sundays it expands into a full-blown flea market. Inside the pop-up tents, or laid out on top of blankets on the ground, you'll find almost every under the sun, from used DVDs, vinyl records and household appliances to stockings, handbags, furniture and antiques. Basically if it is old, used, cheap, unwanted, can be swapped for beer money, or loaded in and out of the back of a van, you'll find it here. An anthropological study in alternative commerce, a trip west of the centre to this bizarre bazaar is a fun adventure, and the surrounding park is also worth the trip.


Open 11:00-21:00. Sun 06:00-17:00.


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