
In photos: Johannesburg City Library protest

27 May 2024
"Education is a human right." "Free our books." "Libraries are not a luxury." These messages rang out across the city from Beyers Naude Square on Sat, May 18 and the call was clear: Open the Johannesburg City Library!

Read the background to the Johannesburg City Library closure here. 

We joined the protest in the City Centre to add our voice to the call by Johannesburg Heritage Foundation, Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, and other civil society organisations to reopen the city library, which has been closed since 2021. The crowd that gathered on Saturday was a glorious reflection of the people of this city, young and elderly, of every hue, and united by a shared love of books, reading and learning, and the desire to live in a welcoming city.

In that library sit more than 1.5 million books, computer facilities, free Wi-Fi, and a newspaper reading room. Around the building live tens of thousands of inner-city residents with little or no recreational facilities, and poor or no access to dignity. 

On the day, speakers Rethabile Ratsomo and Yunus Chamda from the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation; author Professor Achille Mbembe; and David Fleminger and Flo Bird from Johannesburg Heritage Foundation addressed the crowd that gathered in the shadow of Lawrence Lemoana's aptly named sculpture Democracy is Dialogue

The event also saw the launch of a “Petition in a Book” collection, whereby Joburg writers have been asked to add a signed copy of their books to the campaign. They will be handed over to the library once it reopens. 

We all have a role to play in joining the call for a more equitable society. The right to read is something for which we should not have to fight. Sign the petition to reopen the Johannesburg City Library on the Johannesburg Heritage Foundation website which will be online until Sun, May 26. We’ll keep you updated on what's next.

Joburg Photowalker Mark Straw was there on the day to capture some of the action and shared his pictures with us.
Lawrence Lemoana's aptly named sculpture Democracy is Dialogue formed the backdrop for a protest held on Sat, May 18 to reopen the Johannesburg City Library. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
The Johannesburg City Library is currently fenced in and locked away from users. It has been closed since 2021. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
"The Petition in a Book" campaign is building a new collection for the library, once it reopens. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
The legendary Flo Bird (left) and David Fleminger (centre) from the Johannesburg Heritage Foundation. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
Joining the protest to reopen the Johannesburg City Library – OUTA (Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse). Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
Demanding accountability and defending democracy at the Johannesburg City Library. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
United in the message to reopen the Johannesburg City Library. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
Yunus Chamda from the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.

 The Johannesburg City Library houses more than 1.5 million books, yet it remains closed to the public. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
Sketching the protest at the Johannesburg City Library on Sat, May 18, 2024. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
The people have spoken. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
Protestors demand that the Executive Mayor and the city’s implementing agencies take their mandate seriously and stop dragging their feet. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.
The start of a new collection for the Johannesburg City Library, once it hopefully reopens. Photo: Mark Straw @joburgjaunts.


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