
Odprta Scena

  Robbova ulica     more than a year ago
Founded in 2021 by young actress, director and indefatigable performing arts activist Tia Lončar, Odprta scena is a collective of creativity-driven individuals engaged in theatre, film and podcasts. They occupy spaces of Zavod Bob in Ljubljana, a hub of activities supporting youth as active members of society. And support Tia they do, in her insane vision that open spaces for freely developing and sharing ideas with like-minded characters do exist and do not necessarily rely on institutions to produce quality stuff for the stage and good times for the people involved.

Taking the persistence of snobbery on the arts scene very personally, “Odprta scena” literally means “open scene” and aims to promote the creative scene on stage or behind the camera as something for the people, by the people. You can audition to be part of the acting collective, keep your eyes out for open-calls for the production and management team or join the theatre lab to get some training and develop any creative ideas that might pop up in the process into actual stage productions.

After staging three original performances Čik Pavza (“Cigarette Break”), Razredni sovražnik (“Class Enemy”) and Vse, kar je (“All that is”), a fourth, Zadnja večerja (“Last Dinner”), is in the making for December 2023. The scene is also very active in producing podcasts with interesting characters on different topics about art and life. Podcasts are for those with much to say, and as Odprta scena is all about play, imagination, creativity, support, community and pure awesomeness, their voice stands out from the crowd and brings incredible energy to the alternative scene.


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