

Calling a Tartu number To call a Tartu number from within Tartu, or from anywhere else in Estonia, just dial the number as is. The same rule applies when calling from an Estonian-based mobile phone. Note that all Tartu numbers have seven digits, and begin with ‘7’. Back in 2004, Estonia got rid of all its city codes, incorporating them into the phone numbers themselves. So all numbers in Tartu, where the city code was ‘7,’ now have a ‘7’ tacked onto the front of the old 6-digit number. You may still come across a few outdated ads or business cards that list the number the old way. In this case, just dial ‘7’ and then the other six digits.

Calling within Estonia To call any number within Estonia either from a fixed line or a local mobile, just dial the number as is.

Mobile numbers Just dial the mobile number starting from the ‘5.’ The ‘0’ that used to begin all Estonian mobile numbers has been phased out, so if you see it in a listing, just ignore it.

Roaming To call a fixed line telephone in Estonia dial +372 followed by the number, making sure it has been updated to incorporate the old city code. To call an Estonian mobile, again use +372 and the number.

International calls To call Estonia from abroad, dial your country’s international access code, followed by Estonia’s country code, 372. To call abroad from Estonia, dial ‘00’ followed by the country code and number.

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