
Birthday Weekend at MIT

Sunday Oct 1 10:00–17:00       ul. Św. Wawrzyńca 15
October 1, 2023, marks the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Museum of Engineering & Technology, which is organising special events to celebrate the occasion at all their locations over the weekend. For one thing, at their main 'Depot' branch in Kazimierz, there will be a special promotional price of only 10zł for the museum's new, recently-opened permanent exhibit 'The City: Technosensitivity', as well as the new Children's Block Zone, where kids can build a range of objects out of colourful blocks using imaginative prompts. There will also a surprise new exhibit unveiled, the chance to take souvenir photos, and thematic curatorial tours (space on tours is limited, book in advance).
On Sunday October 1st at the Czyżyny Hangar branch (os. 2 Pułku Lotniczego 26A) there will be a family picnic - including games, contests and many attractions for children, plus a display of more than 20 Porsche automobiles. This will be a rare opportunity to see the historic hangar of the Rakowice-Czyżyny airport, which is not yet open to the public as a branch of MIT.



Sep 30 2023 13:00
Oct 1 2023 13:00
Oct 1 2023 15:00
Stanisław Lem Experimental Garden
Al. Pokoju 68 (Czyżyny)
Oct 1 2023 10:00–17:00
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