Let’s not beat around the proverbial bush here, Prague is Sex City, or so they tell us. Indeed, for many people the presence of quasi-legal brothels, strip clubs and massage parlours is the primary reason for visiting the Czech capital. The city has therefore over the years earned itself something of a reputation for being the stag night capital of Europe, a fact that not everyone is happy about - including first and foremost perhaps the official city tourist office. Do not be surprised to see the words ‘No Stag Parties’ displayed on the windows of bars, pubs and even the odd adult entertainment establishment, and if you are in town with your mates to celebrate, be mindful that, surprising as it may seem, people do actually live here, so a little respect and common decency will be much appreciated.
Is prostitution legal in Prague?

While prostitution in the Czech Republic is legal, almost everything that surrounds the industry is not: keeping a brothel, is not, for example, legal. Quite what constitutes a brothel is a moot point however, for the laws are quite deliberately ambiguous. As such, individual cities tend to take their own approach, and Prague’s has for many years been one of complete tolerance. You will therefore be able to visit the city’s many ‘gentlemen’s’ or ‘relax’ clubs with impunity, at least from local law enforcement. That is not to say that there are not hazards, for there are many, and there are a couple of golden rules to follow to ensure you keep your nose (if nothing else) clean.
Never approach working girls in the street, nor respond to any who may approach you. It is also not uncommon (especially late at night on Wenceslas Square) to be approached by men who will try and offer you girls, and/or try and get you into clubs. Ignore them.
Relax Clubs & Gentlemen's Clubs in Prague

We list a number of clubs here. Now, while we can never be 100 per cent certain of anything, these clubs have generally been around for a long time and are reputed as being legitimate, upstanding businesses offering all sorts of delights within the law. Stick to these and you will have a great time in Prague. Note, however, that if you take a taxi to any of these places, the driver may try to divert you to another club - one which is paying him for bringing in clients. Stick to your original destination.
We would also point out that some clubs are quite small, and get very busy at the weekend: phone ahead to reserve and make sure that they can accommodate you. Twelve lads turning up half-drunk in identical t-shirts at three in the morning are likely to disappointed.
Finally, wherever you go, use your common sense and watch what you are spending. Make sure you know the price of everything - including (indeed, especially) drinks - before taking part in any adult activities and where possible try to deal only in cash. The genuine horror stories you hear about across Europe involve credit card fraud, so play safe.