Because clubbing and meeting girls is a holiday ritual
Where to meet a Lithuanian girl and fall in love? It’s a question men and women have been asking since 1990. The answer these days is London, but if you can’t afford London prices then you’ll just have to fly to Kaunas. Not everybody goes to clubs in the hope of taking home a prize however. Some just go for the dancing. The best club in Kaunas? It might well be one of these three—and if you’re wondering where all the LGBT action is in Kaunas, you’ll find the answer in Vilnius.
Glorious Anna Mesha is open two nights a week, prefers hedonists in fancy costumes and is famously difficult to enter. Kaunas just got serious.
They love techno at Dejavu, a recommended OldTown club inside a glorious Medieval cellar.
The closest you’ll come to Ibiza in Kaunas, the name Taboo says all you really need to know.