This coffeeshop review is more about the three establishments which are part of Barney's coffeeshop empire and all located on Haarlemmerstraat within close walking distance of each other. One venue is a coffeeshop, the other is a bar/restaurant and the final one is a souvenir shop/bar and smoke-room, meaning that in between these three places, you can smoke drink and eat to your heart's content in an attractive environment with a pleasant décor. Popular particularly with tourists, it provides its customers with arguably one of the best choices in life; get high and eat, get high and drink, or get high and have a coffee. And to get high with a bong or a vaporizer? So many wonderful choices to be made here, but once your desires have been met, it is always good to remember that the souvenir shop will provide you with numerous ways to annoy your boss/ mother-in-law/ lecturer/ law enforcement agency (delete where appropriate).