
Antonio Lučić - head of the radio show Ritam Srca

more than a year ago
ŠIYP: Where is your favorite place to drink coffee or go out at night?
Antonio: I often drink coffee at the popular caffe ENIGMA, in Ražine (a suburb) because of its proximity, as well as the relaxed atmosphere and large number of famous people who go there. At the same time, it is also one of the places where on weekends they have live music and guest appearances.

ŠIYP: Where is your favorite place to relax in Šibenik?
Antonio: As some kind of mental map, for us who live in Šibenik, one of the places to relax is Riva, and in recent times the promenade, from which there is the most beautiful panoramic view of the city of Šibenik. It’s a place where you are separated from the city noise and yet it's as if you are in the town.

ŠIYP: What is the best way to discover the city? Which activities do you recommend?
Antonio: Šibenik is a town, which can be seen on foot, and therefore all of the most important things are near the bus stop, ferry...a short walk away is an obligatory visit to the Cathedral, Kalelarga .. it is preferable to visit St. Michael's Fortress, from where there is a perfect panoramic view of the city and the only way to get an impression of its size. As for activities, along with a visit to the old part of the city, I certainly recommend a mandatory visit to the National Park Krka, which is near the town and is certainly the most important place that should be experienced.

ŠIYP: Where is the most ideal place to shop? What do you recommend as a souvenir from Šibenik?
Antonio: When it comes to shopping, you can find absolutely everything in several large shopping centers (e.g. Dalmare) which has also become a trademark of the city because of all that it offers. For those who are not attracted to such places, there are some smaller shops in town, souvenir shops and the market are the main spots, on the route of every traveler, for shopping.
Šibenik, in my opinion, is fortunate to have two souvenirs that identify the city in a rich way and that is the " šibenska cap", a unique trademark, or a relief of the Cathedral ..

ŠIYP: Which of the local specialties do you recommend as a "must-try" for visitors?
Antonio: Of the specialties that are considered delicacies of this region there are certainly a number of dishes, no matter what the taste of the customer. It is recommended to try the roasted lamb (at Etnoland) or some dish ispod peke, and any grilled fish specialty. Of course a must is the Dalmatian pršut and Babić red wine, which is also a trademark of Šibenik/Primošten.


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